
Release History

PhenX Toolkit Release Release Notes
September 16, 2024, Ver 47.1 Release includes: 1) Update to Demographics protocols; 2) Update to Anthropometrics protocols; 3) Update to Nutrition and Dietary Supplements protocol; 4) Update to Environmental Exposures protocol; 5) Update to Oral Health protocol; 6) Update to Reproductive protocols; 7) Update to Physical Activity and Physical Fitness protocol; 8) Update to Pregnancy protocol; 9) Update to Social Determinants of Health: Core protocol; 10) Update to Sickle Cell Disease: Psychosocial and Social Determinants of Health Specialty Collection protocol; 11) Resource update; 12) Feature update;
August 5, 2024, Ver 47.0 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Pregnancy Specialty Collection; 2) News updates; 3) Resource updates
June 26, 2024, Ver 46.7 Release includes: 1) Update to Tobacco Regulatory Research Protocols; 2) Added Protocol Citation feature
May 3, 2024, Ver 46.6 Release includes: 1) Tobacco Regulatory Research Collections updates; 2) News updates
March 8, 2024, Ver 46.5 Release includes: 1) Feature Update; 2) News update; 3) Resource update
February 7, 2024, Ver 46.4 Release includes: 1) Feature Update, 2) Resource update
December 22, 2023, Ver 46.3 Release includes: 1) Tobacco Regulatory Research Collections updates; 2) News updates; 3) Resource updates
October 30, 2023, Ver 46.2 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease Core Collections updates; 2) Resource updates
September 20, 2023, Ver 46.1 Release includes: 1) Updates to Demographics domain protocols
August 15, 2023, Ver 46.0 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Genitourinary Specialty Collection; 2) News updates
May 26, 2023, Ver 45.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 Research: Long COVID Collection; 2) Sickle Cell Disease: Psychosocial and Social Determinants of Health Specialty Collection; 3) Data updates; 4) Resource updates; 5) News updates
March 17, 2023, Ver 45.0 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 Research: Long COVID Collection; 2) COVID-19 Research: History, Treatment and Outcomes Collection
March 2, 2023, Ver 44.2 Release includes: 1) News update; 2) Resource updates
February 16, 2023, Ver 44.1 Release includes: 1) Resource updates
February 6, 2023, Ver 44.0 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Psychosocial and Social Determinants of Health Collection; 2) News update; 3) Resource updates
December 14, 2022, Ver 43.0 Release includes: 1) Social Determinants of Health: Individual Specialty Collection protocol updates; 2) Social Determinants of Health: Structural Specialty Collection protocol updates; 3) News update
November 15, 2022, Ver 42.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 Variable Compare Tool; 2) Resource updates
October 21, 2022, Ver 42.0 Release includes: 1) New Bone and Joint domain and Skin domain; 2) Bone and Joint protocols; 3) News update
October 14, 2022, Ver 41.7 Release includes: 1) News update
September 23, 2022, Ver 41.6 Release includes: 1) Resource updates
August 18, 2022, Ver 41.5 Release includes: 1) News update
July 28, 2022, Ver 41.4 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Pain Specialty Collection protocols update; 2) Resource update
July 18, 2022, Ver 41.3 Release includes: 1) New COVID-19 protocols, 2) Updates to Research Using PhenX, 3) Resource updates
July 1, 2022, Ver 41.2 Release includes: 1) News update
May 26, 2022, Ver 41.1 Release includes: 1) Update to Pediatric Development protocols
May 18, 2022, Ver 41.0 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Pain Specialty Collection; 2) Update to Pediatric Development protocols; 3) Update to protocols from PROMIS; 4) News update
April 25, 2022, Ver 40.11 Release includes: 1) Resource updates
April 19, 2022, Ver 40.10 Release includes: 1) News update
March 15, 2022, Ver 40.9 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols; 2) Resource updates; 3) News update
February 14, 2022, Ver 40.8 Release includes: 1) Smoking Cessation measures update; 2) News update
February 9, 2022, Ver 40.7 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols 2) News update
January 20, 2022, Ver 40.6 Release includes: 1) Resource updates, 2) News update
January 13, 2022, Ver 40.5 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
November 11, 2021, Ver 40.4 Release includes: 1) Updated Toolkit search, 2) Added search filters to COVID-19 Protocol Library, 3) Resource updates, 4) News update
October 14, 2021, Ver 40.3 Release includes: 1) Resource updates, 2) News update
September 22, 2021, Ver 40.2 Release includes: 1) Homepage updates, 2) News update
August 24, 2021, Ver 40.1 Release includes: 1) News update, 2) Resource update
August 16, 2021, Ver 40.0 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Curative Therapies Specialty Collection, 2) Annotations added, 3) Resource update
July 15, 2021, Ver 39.1 Release includes: 1) Data dictionary updates, 2) Updates to Research Using PhenX, 3) Resource updates, 4) News updates
May 27, 2021, Ver 39.0 Release includes: 1) Improved navigation features, 2) Resource updates
May 5, 2021, Ver 38.0 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 Variable Comparison Tool, 2) Data update, 3) Resource updates, 4) News updates
February 23, 2021, Ver 37.0 Release includes: 1) Smoking Cessation, Harm Reduction and Biomarkers Protocols, 2) Updates to COVID-19 Collection protocol, 3) Updates to Impact of the Pandemic and HRQoL in Cancer Patients and Survivors (IPHCPS) and Complementary and Integrative Research (CAIR) Pandemic Impact Questionnaire (PIQ) modules, 4) Resource updates, 5) News updates
January 7, 2021, Ver 36.1 Release includes: 1) Updates to Coronavirus Racial Bias Scale
December 17, 2020, Ver 36.0 Release includes: 1) Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship Protocols, 2) Updates to COVID-19 Research Collections keywords, 3) Resource updates, 4) News updates
November 12, 2020, Ver 35.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
October 30, 2020, Ver 35.0 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 Research: Behaviors and Risks Specialty Collection, 2) COVID-19 Research: History, Treatment and Outcomes Specialty Collection, 3) COVID-19 Research: Information Resources Specialty Collection, 4) COVID-19 Research: Psychosocial and Mental Health Specialty Collection, 5) COVID-19 Research: Race, Ethnicity and Demographics Specialty Collection, 6) COVID-19 Research: Socioeconomic Specialty Collection, 7) Resource updates, 8) News updates
October 8, 2020, Ver 34.2 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
September 17, 2020, Ver 34.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
September 10, 2020, Ver 34.0 Release includes: 1) Genomic Medicine Implementation Protocols, 2) COVID-19 protocols, 3) News update, 4) Resource update
September 3, 2020, Ver 33.6 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
August 27, 2020, Ver 33.5 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
August 13, 2020, Ver 33.4 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols, 2) Updates to CDC Novel Coronavirus Case Report Form
August 6, 2020, Ver 33.3 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
July 30, 2020, Ver 33.2 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
July 23, 2020, Ver 33.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
July 21, 2020, Ver 33.0 Release includes: 1) Addition of new Ethnicity and Race protocol, 2) Updates to Demographics domain protocols, 3) Resource update, 4) News updates
July 16, 2020, Ver 32.5 Release includes: 1) Updates to COVID-19 Household Environment Scale (CHES) Questionnaires and addition of CHES in Portuguese and Mandarin
July 9, 2020, Ver 32.4 Release includes: 1) Addition of ECHO COVID-19 Questionnaires in Spanish, 2) Update to AURORA-COVID Impact Survey (AURORA-CIS)
July 2, 2020, Ver 32.3 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
June 25, 2020, Ver 32.2 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols, 2) Updates to COVID-19 Exposure and Family Impact Survey (CEFIS)
June 18, 2020, Ver 32.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols, 2) Updates to All of Us Covid 19 Participant Experience Survey (COPE)
June 11, 2020, Ver 32.0 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols, 2) Sort by topic feature added
June 4, 2020, Ver 31.4 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols, 2) Updates to MESA COVID-19 Questionnaire
May 28, 2020, Ver 31.3 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
May 21, 2020, Ver 31.2 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
May 14, 2020, Ver 31.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
May 11, 2020, Ver 31.0 Release includes: 1) Social Determinants of Health: Core Collection, 2) Social Determinants of Health: Individual Specialty Collection, 3) Social Determinants of Health: Structural Specialty Collection, 4) Update to availability language, 5) News updates
May 7, 2020, Ver 30.4 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
April 30, 2020, Ver 30.3 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
April 23, 2020, Ver 30.2 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
April 16, 2020, Ver 30.1 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols
April 8, 2020, Ver 30.0 Release includes: 1) COVID-19 protocols, 2) Feature update, 3) Resource update
March 12, 2020, Ver 29.0 Release includes: 1) Browse Protocols Tree, 2) News update, 3) Resource update
December 11, 2019, Ver 28.0 Release includes: 1) Pediatric Development Protocols, 2) Updates to Skin, Bone, Muscle, Joint keywords 3) Resource update
October 15, 2019, Ver 27.0 Release includes: 1) Toolkit homepage new look, 2) New Research Using PhenX page, 3) HPO standards added, 4) Resource updates
June 4, 2019, Ver 26.0 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #7, 2) Updates & additions to Demographics domain, 3) Resource updates, 4) Feature updates
May 7, 2019, Ver 25.0 Release includes: 1) Hemophilia Inhibitor Research Collection, 2) Resource updates, 3) Feature updates
August 1, 2018, Ver 24.0 Release includes: 1) new design of PhenX Toolkit homepage and 2) new website navigation
July 2, 2018, Ver 23.0 Release includes: 1) Geriatrics Measures, 2) Depression Symptom Measures, 3) Resource update
March 14, 2018, Ver 22.2 Release includes: 1) additional Spanish translations of PhenX protocols, 2) Resource update
January 18, 2018, Ver 22.1 Release includes: 1) Chinese translations of PhenX protocols, 2) Resource update
November 28, 2017, Ver 22.0 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #4, 2) Expert Review Panel #6, 3) Expert Review Panel #3 NESARC measures, 4) Working Group and Expert Review Panel rosters, 5) Updated the Health Conditions/ Pregnancy and Birth collection, 6) Updated Search filter "All ages" lifestage, 7) Updated resource 8) Updated news
April 11, 2017, Ver 21.0 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #5, 2) Expert Review Panel roster, 3) Mental Health Research - Early Psychosis Specialty Collection update, 4) Resource update
January 31, 2017, Ver 20.0 Release includes: 1) Pregnancy Measures, 2) Resource update
January 17, 2017, Ver 19.0 Release includes: 1) Mental Health Research - Early Psychosis Specialty Collection, 2) Resource update
November 21, 2016, Ver 18.0 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #3, 2) Expert Review Panel roster, 3) Resource update
October 17, 2016, Ver 17.0 Release includes: 1) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Vector Collections - new Measure, 2) Resource update
July 29, 2016, Ver 15.2 Release includes: 1) Spanish versions of PhenX protocols, 2) Updated Data Collection Worksheet, 3) Resource update
July 8, 2016, Ver 15.1 Release includes an updated protocol for the Nutrition and Dietary Supplements domain as part of the Expert Review Panel #1
May 31, 2016, Ver 15.0 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #2, 2) Expert Review Panel roster, 3) Updated Data Dictionary format, 4) New "Top Measures" and "Search" buttons
May 20, 2016, Ver 14.0 Release includes: 1) Spanish versions of PhenX protocols for which a validated Spanish version is available; 2) Resource update
May 11, 2016, Ver 13.5 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #2 of 3 Demographics measures
March 8, 2016, Ver 13.4 Release includes: 1) PhenX variables, 2) PhenX Variable Search, 3) Rationale for "Archived Protocols", 4) Resource update
January 6, 2016, Ver 13.3 Release includes: 1) Obesity - new Supplemental Information, 2) Updated "PhenX Archived Measures and Protocols" page, 3) Resource update
December 4, 2015, Ver 13.2 Release includes: 1) "Dietary Intake" new measure, 2) New "PhenX Standards - Cross References Download" page
October 5, 2015, Ver 13.1 Release includes: 1) Toolkit homepage new look, 2) New "Browse Protocol" page, 3) REDCap Instrument Zip, 4) PhenX database download, 5) Updated "About" page
September 28, 2015, Ver 13.0 Release includes: 1) Expert Review Panel #1, 2) Mental Health Research - Eating Disorder Specialty Collection - new Supplemental Information, 3) Resource update
September 9, 2015, Ver 12.0 Release includes: 1) Obesity Measures, 2) Resource update
August 12, 2015, Ver 11.0 Release includes: 1) Sickle Cell Disease: Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, and Renal Specialty Collection, 2) Sickle Cell Disease: Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection, 3) Sickle Cell Disease: Core Tier 1, 4) Sickle Cell Disease: Core Tier 2, 5) Resource update
August 7, 2015, Ver 10.0 Release includes: 1) Mental Health Research - Eating Disorder Specialty Collection, 2) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Environment Collection, two new measures, 3) Tobacco Regulatory Research - new Supplemental Information, 4) REDCap Instrument Zip - new protocols
June 24, 2015, Ver 9.0 Release includes: 1) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Agent Collections, 2) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Vector Collections, 3) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Environment Collections, 4) Resource update
May 29, 2015, Ver 8.2 Release includes: 1) New Homepage buttons; 2) REDCap Instrument Zip
May 12, 2015, Ver 8.0 Release includes: 1) Rare Genetic Conditions Measures
May 12, 2015, Ver 8.1 Release includes: 1) "Disability Due to Mental Health Symptoms Protocol" Update
April 7, 2015, Ver 7.1 Release includes: 1) "Broad Psychopathology - Child Protocol" and "General Psychiatric Assessment - Child protocol" update, 2) "Temperament - Adolescent" protocol name change, 3) "Attentional Bias Protocol" Update, 4) MHR collection browse feature update, 5) Search filter "Life Stage" update
February 20, 2015, Ver 7.0 Release includes: 1) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Host: Social/Cognitive Collections, 2) Tobacco Regulatory Research - Host: Biobehavioral Collections, 3) Mental Health Research - Post-traumatic Stress Psychopathology (including PTSD) Specialty Collection, new Supplemental Information, 4) Resource update
December 5, 2014, Ver 6.0 Release includes: 1)Mental Health Research - Core Collections, 2) Mental Health Research - Suicide Specialty Collection, 3) Mental Health Research - Post-traumatic Stress Psychopathology (including PTSD) Specialty Collection, 4) Resource update
September 15, 2014, Ver 5.8 Release includes: 1)A new "Download" page resource
January 31, 2014, Ver 5.7 Release includes: 1)"Featured Measures" update, 2) "School Social Environment Protocol" update, 3) Resource update, 4) "Feedback" page update
October 20, 2013, Ver 5.6 Release includes: 1) "Featured Measures" update, 2) "Psychopathy" Protocol update, 3) Resource update, 4) "Data Worksheet Download" update, 5) "Register Your Study" update
July 31, 2013, Ver 5.5 Release includes new " Register Your Study " feature
April 29, 2013, Ver 5.4 Release includes: 1) New "Featured Measure" 2) Resource updates
June 13, 2012, Ver 5.3 Release includes: 1) Addition of "Substance Abuse and Dependence - Past Year" measure 2) Hyperlinks to the "Cognitive Atlas" for seven Neurocognitive Measures 3) Enhanced "Add to My Toolkit" image 4) Separation of self-administered and interview-administered questionnaires on the Data Collection Worksheet page and 5) Resource update.
May 15, 2012, Ver 5.2 Release includes a new page describing the categories of substances covered by the Substance Abuse and Addiction (SAA) Collections and updated resource pages.
March 23, 2012, Ver 5.1 Release includes updated Substance Abuse and Addiction (SAA) Collections logo and cross-reference files.
February 24, 2012, Ver 5.0 Release includes Substance Abuse and Addiction (SAA) Collections and Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) for measures and protocols.
November 29, 2011, Ver 4.6 1) Highlight DCW/DD visibility 2) DD enhancement 3) DD update 4) Resource update
July 29, 2011, Ver 4.5 1) Protocol date stamp 2) My Cart updated to My toolkit 3) Toolkit navigation enhancement 4) Resource update
May 20, 2011, Ver 4.4 Release includes: 1) Cart Overload Message 2) SQT Filter at Protocol Level 3) User Login Support Enhancement 4) DCW/DD Support 5) PhenX Working Group Flyer 6) PhenX Early Adopters
April 15, 2011, Ver 4.3 Release includes: 1) Browse Collection 2) Associated measures at Browse Measure page 3) Browse Supplemental Information 4) View all result 5) Select/Unselect search results 6) Resource update
February 4, 2011, Ver 4.2 Release includes: 1) addition of two Psychosocial Measure 2) addition of Skin, Bone, Muscle & Joint Supplemental Information 3) View all measures in Smart Query Tool filter search page without a search word
January 21, 2011, Ver 4.1 Release includes: 1) addition of one Psychosocial Measure 2) addition of three Skin, Bone, Muscle & Joint Measures 3) total measure count on Home Page and Browse pages 4) top 20 measures on Home Page
December 13, 2010, Ver 4.0 Release includes: 1) addition of Gastrointestinal Measures 2) addition of Psychosocial Measures 3) usage statistics added to Home Page 4) ability to filter search results
November 12, 2010, Ver 3.9 Release includes: 1) addition of Skin, Bone, Muscle & Joint Measures 2) addition of Infectious Diseases and Immunity Measures
October 20, 2010, Ver 3.8 Release includes additional measures from Reproductive Health, Speech & Hearing and Social Environments domains.
October 8, 2010, Ver 3.7 Release includes: 1) addition of Speech & Hearing Measures and Social Environments measures 2) Migraine Measure added to Neurology domain 3) enhancements to navigation and browsing features
August 11, 2010, Ver 3.6 Release includes improved Cart and Browsing functionality.
July 30, 2010, Ver 3.5 Release includes: 1) Data Collection Worksheet (DCW) feature 2) Data Dictionary (DD) feature and 3) `RELEASE` Dates and Related Measures now displayed for Measures.
July 9, 2010, Ver 3.4 Release includes: 1) Cart Improvements to flag Protocols with special requirements and 2) Review of special requirements for Protocols.
June 30, 2010, Ver 3.3 Release includes: 1) additional Physical Activities & Physical Fitness, Psychiatric & Neurology Measures, and 2) updates to Toolkit FAQ and Glossary.
May 12, 2010, Ver 3.2 Release includes: 1) addition of Diabetes, Physical Activities & Physical Fitness, Psychiatric & Neurology Measures 2) new Respiratory measure - Urine Assay for Tobacco Smoke Exposure and 3) Improvements to the PhenX Cart display and selection functionality.
April 15, 2010, Ver 3.1 Release includes: 1) Supplemental Information now available on the Toolkit 2) Smart Query Tool improvement (now searches Supplemental Information) 3) Improvements to Measure and Protocol display pages and 4) News and outreach email subscription option added.
February 26, 2010, Ver 3.0 Release includes: 1) Ocular Measures 2) Reproductive Health Measures 3) Updates to some Nutrition & Dietary Supplements and Environmental Exposure measures 4) Smart Query Tool, 5) Toolkit User Network and 6) new Toolkit Tutorial.
January 29, 2010, Ver 2.9 Release includes: 1) Respiratory Measures 2) Placemarkers added for remaining Domains 3) Display & Navigational Enhancements and 4) Profile Update Reminder added.
December 30, 2009, Ver 2.8 Release includes: 1) Cancer Measures and 2) Oral Health Measures.
October 30, 2009, Ver 2.7 Release includes: 1) Nutrition and Dietary Supplements Measures and 2) Environmental Exposures Measures.
October 20, 2009, Ver 2.6 Release includes: 1) initial load of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements Measures (4 measures).
September 24, 2009, Ver 2.5 Release includes: 1) Cardiovascular Measures (3 new measures added), 2) Cart & Navigational Improvements, 3) Search Improvements, 4) "Cite the Toolikit" message added to Measure/Protocol Display page, and 5) User Help/Guidance improvements.
September 9, 2009, Ver 2.4 Release includes: 1) Cardiovsacular Measures (NEW), 2) PhenX Anthropometrics (minor update), 3) Assigned PhenX IDs to all Measures and 4) Navigational Improvements.
July 30, 2009, Ver 2.3 Release includes: 1) PhenX Anthropometrics (no changes), ii) PhenX Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances Measures (no changes), iii) PhenX Demographics Measures (no changes), CDE reference page added (replaces CDE Resource PDF), Notes feature added (for registered users), site rating mechanism added, and navigational & cart improvements.
June 25, 2009, Ver 2.2 Release includes: 1) PhenX Anthropometrics (Body Composition Measure added), ii) PhenX Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances Measures (no changes), iii) PhenX Demographics Measures (no changes), Advanced Search and CDE Lookup released, Cart Emailing capability and other general site improvements.
May 22, 2009, Ver 2.1 Release includes: 1) PhenX Anthropometrics (no changes), ii) PhenX Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances Measures (no changes), iii) PhenX Demographics Measures (no changes) and site navigational improvements.
May 6, 2009, Ver 2.0 Release includes: 1) PhenX Anthropometrics (no changes), ii) PhenX Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances Measures (no changes), iii) PhenX Demographics Measures (no changes) and User Registration & Cart Management.
April 24, 2009, Ver. 1.2 Release includes: 1) PhenX Anthropometrics (no changes), ii) PhenX Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances Measures (two Measures updated), iii) PhenX Demographics Measures (no changes).
March 27, 2009, Ver. 1.1 Initial `RELEASE` for PhenX Anthropometrics Measures. Updates to: i) Demographics and Alcohol ii) Tobacco and Other Substances Measures. Plus, code features added.
February 6, 2009, Ver. 1.0 Initial `RELEASE` for the PhenX Toolkit. Contains Demographics and Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances Measures.